Breast Cancer - Cured
Released on: February 18, 2008, 1:55 pm
Press Release Author: Julia Dwyer Ph.D.
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: A brand new website on the latest advances in non-toxic breast cancer oncology.
Press Release Body: The well-known cancer support group, Women for Breast Cancer Truth, recently dedicated a whole new website to the lectures, papers, and treatment protocols of Fabrizio Taliano MD, Ph.D., an Italian oncologist and surgeon. During the past 15 years, Dr. Taliano has developed a number of benign, non-toxic treatments for breast cancer that seem much more effective than the standard procedures. Until the year of 2004, Dr. Taliano worked quietly, \"under the radar\", but during the past 3 years he began to take a public stand against the standard oncological protocols.
His lectures and publications are hard hitting and, occasionally, devastating. (To read 5 of the most famous ones, please visit His influence is growing both among physicians, and the public. His name has been submitted by a group of professionals for nomination for the Nobel prize, and also for a Danish order of Knighthood. On the other hand, so-called medical experts are consistently trying to portray him as someone from the lunatic fringe. He is also being attacked in the media and, not surprisingly, by his own colleagues. They have tried to bring him to court, but the Italian judge threw out the case.
His public statements about mammography and mastectomy caused a particularly strong reaction from medical and industrial circles, yet any invitation by Dr. Taliano to a public debate has only met with dead silence. Clearly, none of the medical authorities who are criticizing him are willing to participate in a debate. Remarks Dr. Julia Dwyer Ph.D., \"In my opinion. it is a must for every woman to read Dr. Taliano\'s lectures, and they can do that now, free of charge, on our website. We have translated them into English.\"
The address of the site is: .
For more information, contact Dr. Julia Dwyer at, or visit .
Web Site:
Contact Details: Julia Dwyer Ph.D. Director, Women for Breast Cancer Truth
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